The Project

code: 2024-1-IT02-KA220-HED-000255158
Skill Match in an Intelligent Learning Environment
The Smile project aims to create a renewed synergy between HEIs and SMEs, centred on shared languages, methods, technologies, and common visions, capable of reducing the mismatch between the demand for skills expressed by production systems and the supply generated by Higher Education systems.
Today, EU Higher Education needs to undertake forward planning on a regular basis as this is crucial to adapt its systems to the emerging trends of the twin transition, which is prompting EU SMEs to evolve their professional systems, creating the need for skills adaptation, along with the demand for new professional profiles.
“AI and automation are not just tools in their toolbox; they are truly change enablers. They empower you to innovate, adapt quicker than ever, and grow. To dream bigger”
Rob Enslin – CEO at UiPath
The digitisation of career guidance, training, and placement processes, which has traditionally and habitually been reserved for conventional practices of analysis and development, can and must, in the current context of the twin transition and significant global pressures, be supported by business intelligence technologies to reduce margins of error, anticipate trends, and swiftly adapt Higher Education curricula to enhance the competitiveness of EU industrial contexts.
Key Objectives
Unlock the Power of AI
to Tackle Skill Mismatches!
Learn more about the SMILE change enablers!
We are 9 partners from 4 EU countries and 1 non-EU country expression of international institutional, chamber of commerce, academic, training, consultancy and research networks.
Who we are and what we can do for you
We can provide technical, methodological, and technological contributions, ensuring scientific rigor in developing the AI based Model for people management and to innovate career guidance and training, boosting student employability and SME competitiveness.
Consulenza Formazione e Management
Consulenza Formazione e Management
Collina Liguorini, snc – 83100 Avellino
+39 0825.1805405
[email protected]
CONFORM S.c.a.r.l. has been operating since 1995 at national and international level, promoting research projects, training plans, with formats in presence, experiential and e-learning, consulting activities for companies and PA, drafting of traditional communication plans and with the use of new media, audiovisual and film productions, realization of VR, AR and MR solutions and games, development of gamification and game-based marketing strategies, with the support of expert staff and a team of trainers, consultants and managers, bearers of successful experiences, as well as a dense network of relationships, with over 250 national, European and international partners.
University of Siena
University of Siena
Banchi di Sotto, 55, 53100 Siena
+39 0577 235555
[email protected]
Università degli Studi di Siena (UNISI) awards first cycle, second cycle and single long cycle degrees in the following faculties: Economics, Pharmacy, Law, Engineering, Arts and Humanities, Arts and Humanities in Arezzo, Medicine and Surgery, Mathematical, Physical and Natural Sciences and Political Science, as well as several interfaculty degrees. Unisi has over the years gained experience in coordination and management in European projects, maintaining the aim of monitoring the efficiency of scientific and technical progress and ensuring implementation to achieve the expected results. The Unisi research team involved in the S.M.I.L.E. project has international expertise in teaching innovation and transformative learning. The team cooperates with the activities for teacher education and faculty development carried out at Unisi.
The team is composed by Prof. Alessandra Romano, Dr. Giovanni Gottardo, Dr. Francesca Bulletti, and Dr. Sara Rossi.
Competence Centre 4 Innovation
Competence Centre 4 Innovation
Via Corso N. Protopisani, 70 80146 Napoli
+39 329 444 6272
[email protected]
Consorzio MedITech – Mediterranean Competence Centre 4 Innovation (in short, MedITech) is a public-private partnership recognized by the Ministry of Enterprises and Made in Italy as a national center of expertise with high specialization in enabling digital technologies.
The priority areas of development include the creation and certification of dataspaces, the development of Fiware solutions, experimentation on quantum communication networks, the creation of artificial intelligence models, the development of IoT solutions, experimentation with blockchain. MedITech is also active in developing a comprehensive upskilling/reskilling offer and in supporting startup incubation and acceleration programmes.
Who we are and what we can do for you
We guarantee the rigorous advancement of project results and offer a comprehensive business outlook that expands the HE-enterprise connection initiated by the project to an extensive network of partner SMEs
Poznan University Of Economics
Poznan University Of Economics
Niepodległości 10,61-875 Poznań
+48 61 856 90 00
[email protected]
PUEB – Poznan University of Economics And Business – offers an educational program that reflects global standards in managerial education and the latest advancements in economic thought and business development. As one of the oldest and most prestigious institutions of its kind in Poland, PUEB specializes in training business leaders, top-tier managers, economic experts, and public sector professionals. The practice-oriented curricula equip students with tools to navigate economic realities and make informed decisions. For over a decade, PUEB has collaborated with leading companies through the PUEB Partner Club, where business experts share insights and address real-world challenges.
WIPH Wielkopolska
Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Chamber of Commerce & Industry
Marcin Street 24/402 61-805 Poznan
+48 61 8690 100
[email protected]
The Wielkopolska Chamber of Commerce and Industry represents the interests of companies, both on the domestic market and abroad. It’s mission is to support the development of enterprises and to effectively represent their interests, with particular attention devoted to small and medium-sized companies. WIPH’s team is engaging in different kinds of business initiatives, promotion of the region’s enterprises and bringing partners together. We conduct commercial negotiations, organize seminars, webinars and conferences. One of our branches is the department of legalization of the trade documents, that enables us to keep in touch with bigger companies. We also provide all types of services tied to the European initiatives.
Who we are and what we can do for you
We guarantee the robust development of project outcomes, combining diverse disciplines to embed them in smart technologies for transformative career support and improved student employability
Cyril And Methodius University In Skopje
Cyril And Methodius University In Skopje
Boulevard Goce Delchev 9, Skopje 1000
+389 2 329 3293
[email protected]
Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje (UKIM) is the largest public university in North Macedonia that excels in various academic fields including technical, natural sciences, artistic, medical and social sciences. UKIM has a strong international presence through its active participation in numerous European and international educational networks. The Faculty of Economics-Skopje at UKIM will contribute to the SMILE project with its expertise in education, digital and green transitions, and entrepreneurship. The faculty’s work on curriculum innovation and skills development will align with the project’s goals to address the gap between educational offerings and market needs in the fields of digitalization and sustainability.
Who we are and what we can do for you
We can connect the project to international higher education networks, serving as an aggregator and quality watchdog, providing technical contributions that enhance career guidance, teaching, and placement tailored to the unique needs of SMEs
Non-profit, Membership-driven Organisation
Non-profit, Membership-driven Organisation
Rue Gachard 88 – box 3 1050 Brussels
+32 2 629 08 10
[email protected]
EFMD is a global network of higher education institutions. It is an internationally recognised accreditation body for business schools, universities, and corporate education programmes. EFMD connects the higher education and business sectors through its global conferences and events, reaching a network of 30,000 professionals in management education. EFMD has extensive experience managing and participating in international projects in the field of higher education, covering topics such as curriculum innovation and digital transformation.
Who we are and what we can do for you
We ensure scientifically sound development of project outcomes and contribute a broad business perspective that extends the HE-enterprise relationship activated by the project to a wide network of associated SMEs.
Chamber of Commerce of Seville
Chamber of Commerce of Seville
Plaza de la Contratación, 8 – 41004 Sevilla
+95 5110898
[email protected]
The Official Chamber of Commerce, Industry, Services and Shipping of Seville (CCSEV, Seville, Spain) is a non-profit Public Corporation established as an advisory body.
CCSEV promotes business development, entrepreneurship, internationalisation, digital innovation and green transition through several services and activities, and works in close cooperation with public authorities. e
University Of Huelva
University Of Huelva
Calle Dr. C. Cuadrado, 6, 21004 Huelva
+34 959 21 81 02
[email protected]
The University of Huelva is a educational institution fully aligned with the 2030 Agenda, committed to equality, equity, and sustainability, while actively engaging with its social and economic context. Although it was founded in 1993, it draws on the experience of earlier educational institutions dating back to 1859, achieving significant progress in education, research, and knowledge transfer. As a medium-sized university, it offers a welcoming atmosphere for its 12,500 students, including 1,300 postgraduate students. The university has around 1,000 faculty members and over 400 administrative staff. It offers 39 undergraduate degrees, 40 official master’s programs, and 11 PhD programs, all tailored to meet current industry demands. The University of Huelva is also a member of the “PIONEER” alliance, which aims to transform European universities by fostering connections with ecosystems to develop the next generation of innovators and knowledge producers.
Empower Education with AI Solutions!
Today, Higher Education stakeholders and representatives of SMEs should undertake joint actions to promote a higher education model that leverages AI to interpret the unexpressed needs of SMEs, balancing them with the expectations of higher education students to maximise the efficacy of education offered.
as an innovative tool that leverages Artificial Intelligence to support HE placement and guidance systems in an analytical reading of both market and training needs
during which the HEI referees will be aligned on the intelligent and predictive approach to career guidance, training and placement processes
will favour the extension of the adoption of the SMILE model, as an EU reference to accompany HEIs in reducing the skill mismatch
in the form of online microlearning pills and video tutorials to maintain digital, green and internationalisation skills and solutions over time